This place is a scam! Took our money and when we arrived at location they cancelled our stay. Staff here are extremely rude and walked us. Didn’t refund us and didn’t pay to walk us. Very small town in the middle of nowhere, finding another place to stay was nearly impossible. Very expensive trip to nowhere just to be scammed out of our vacation and money. $720 in total.

Do not Deposit Any Money into Affiliate Advertising Club or! This Site tries to get you to deposit Cypto Currency to purchase Advertising Packages that Range from $10 Per Package up to $160 Per Ad Package. This site tricks you into buying Large amounts of Advertising Packages because they Promise that every Ad Pack will Double In Value because of a Forced Matrix System. Even the Owner had a hard time trying to explain how this Forced Matrix Works and how each Ad Pack is pushed up. They are forcing us to Recruit and invite people into the site when we ourselves have not earned anything back from the Ad Packs. Do not join this site at all stay clear away from this site and anything with the name Clay Montgomery and or Josh Elder affiliated with!

Premium Granite Works Inc and Bill Baril took a $10,000 deposit from me on June 15, 2023 and promised to install an outdoor kitchen countertop. At first, I was told it would be completed by late July. Then I was told it would be completed in late August…finally in mid September, they told me they couldn’t do the job. Since then, I have been waiting to get my deposit back. Every week Bill Baril says my money will be coming next week, but it never happens. Thus, I spent some time looking him up in the BC Court System at and found the following cases and the corresponding amount claimed against Bill and his business in ONLY THE LAST YEAR:


9859870 CANADA INC. v BARIL, William ($34,893)

ROYAL BANK OF CANADA v BARIL, William ($64,914)






Additionally, it now appears that Julie Baril (Bill’s Daughter) of business 1404929 BC Ltd (DBA Premium Granite Works) has now taken over for Bill Baril and says that the “new” Premium Granite Works has no obligation to me, as it’s a different business.

This report investigates the alleged scamming history of Harout Bedrossian, a controversial figure accused of orchestrating scams amounting to $1 million. This report aims to present an objective analysis of the available information and evidence related to his alleged involvement in fraudulent activities. It is essential to note that the information contained in this report is based on data available up to September 2021, and further developments may have occurred after this date.

Harout Bedrossian, born on March 12, 1980, is a prominent entrepreneur who gained recognition in various business circles over the years. He has been associated with several ventures, including investment projects, real estate, and technology startups. Bedrossian’s career trajectory appeared promising until accusations of fraudulent activities surfaced.

Allegations and Charges:
According to multiple sources and media reports, Harout Bedrossian has been accused of orchestrating a series of scams that defrauded victims from $1 million. The alleged scams involved various methods, including Ponzi schemes, fake investment opportunities, and embezzlement.

a. Ponzi Schemes: Several victims have come forward, claiming that Bedrossian convinced them to invest significant sums of money into what he presented as a lucrative investment opportunity. However, instead of generating legitimate returns, he allegedly used new investors’ funds to pay off earlier investors, a classic characteristic of Ponzi schemes.

b. Fake Investment Opportunities: Bedrossian has been accused of promoting and marketing non-existent or fraudulent investment opportunities. These schemes targeted unsuspecting individuals seeking high returns on their investments, ultimately leaving them with substantial financial losses.

c. Embezzlement: Some reports suggest that Bedrossian misappropriated funds entrusted to him for business purposes. He allegedly diverted these funds for personal use, including extravagant purchases and maintaining an opulent lifestyle.

Legal Proceedings:
As of September 2021, there were ongoing investigations into the allegations against Harout Bedrossian. Law enforcement agencies and regulatory authorities were actively pursuing the case to gather evidence and build a strong case against him. However, specific outcomes and legal charges have not been publicly disclosed at the time of this report.

Impact on Victims:
The alleged scamming activities orchestrated by Harout Bedrossian have had severe consequences on the victims. Many individuals and families suffered significant financial losses, jeopardizing their savings, retirement plans, and financial security. The emotional and psychological toll of being defrauded cannot be underestimated, leaving victims feeling betrayed and disillusioned.

Response from Authorities and Public:
As the news of the alleged scams broke, public sentiment turned negative towards Harout Bedrossian. Many individuals who had once trusted him as a reputable entrepreneur now felt deceived and outraged. There were calls for swift and severe legal action to hold him accountable for his actions.

Harout Bedrossian’s alleged involvement in fraudulent activities, particularly scams worth $1 million, has raised serious concerns about tighter regulatory oversight and investor protection measures. As investigations continue, it is essential to let the legal process run its course and ensure a fair trial for all parties involved. As of September 2021, Bedrossian’s reputation and career prospects have been severely impacted, but the final verdict will ultimately determine the consequences he will face for his actions.

Creekside Auctions formerly known as Creekside Enterprises had this review taken off of Google. I am just trying to warn people. Read this and proceed as you wish.

Creekside Auctions? More like Crookside Auctions. Bottom line is they stole property, sold it, and pocketed the money. We have reached out many times. Only response is basically “Yes we’ll get to you asap a couple months from now.” It never happens. I wouldn’t trust these thieves with anything.

My family hired them 4 years ago for an estate auction (deceased grandparents’ house was soon to be sold). Several red flags came up but we felt pressured to get the house cleaned out since the new owners would be moving in soon.

From the beginning, communication was difficult. Several phone calls over a few days before a return phone call every time!

Some tools were set aside in the garage clearly marked not to be sold as a family member wanted them. They were taken by Crookside and sold at their tool auction.

We were told that the house would be “broom clean” at the end of the sale. It was not. We were told that the new owners were aware of some items left in the house. We asked the new owners, and they said they were not aware of the items left in the house.

We had to make a rushed trip up to the house on a week night (we live an hour away) to clean it out. Then we had to ask a fantastic neighbor take a full pickup truck load to Common Cents to donate, and another full load to the dump to dispose.

We were unable to attend the sale. Big mistake. We were told by a friend that the value of some items may not have been fully recognized. Not a big deal, but don’t expect much for your items.

Here’s the biggest problem. We do not know how much our items sold for and we have not received payment for the items sold at the estate auction or the tool auction!

We have reached out several times over the last few years and have received nothing for the items sold. We can’t even get a ballpark figure of how much we are owed. We’ve maintained an account for the estate just in case by some miracle they decide to do the right thing but obviously Crookside has no intention of doing so.

My advice to you is this… Stay away from doing business with Crookside Auctions because they will take your property, sell it, and pocket the money with no remorse.

If you do decide to do business with them, make absolutely sure you get a contract (almost impossible due to lack of communication). Make sure you attend your auction in order to see how much your items sell for. And make sure you collect your part of the earnings before the New York State Statute of Limitations for Stolen Property time is exceeded.

Update: After posting this review on Google I received and reply from Crookside claiming that they had no idea who I was and that they reported the review.

I messaged them on Facebook and reminded them of the estate sale occurring near the end of May 2018. I received a message from someone who claimed to be customer support. They told me that they had an itemized list from the auction. They said they would check with their bank to see if a check had been negotiated and if not they would have it sent out.

They provided me with the owner’s phone number. I asked if someone could reach out to my mother as calling the owner has proven to be a waste of time in the past. Communication is almost impossible. I was told that they “will definitely reach out to her tomorrow”.

It’s been three months. Reached out a couple weeks ago and received response from owner “Yes we will be getting you settled up soon, we have been working through things, trying to get everything straightened out from the previous employee”.

Reminded them that it has been over 4 years since the auction. Asked how long they need. Asked about the itemized list. Asked why nobody has reached out even though contact information was provided. Crookside saw the message and has yet to respond.

Sent two more messages over the last couple of weeks which they refuse to view even though their account is active and posting. Lack of action and empty promises is all you’re going to get if you work with these people. Good luck.

I am the CEO of an engineering and repair company based in London with offices in 6 countries, and I was recommended to use DCBL, also known as Direct Collection Bailiffs Ltd, for debt collection. The DCBL sales representatives offered many promises and reassurances, all of which turned out to be fallacies that they would recover our money. The amount in question was £150,000.

To recover the money, as per the Direct Collection Bailiffs Ltd terms and conditions, DCBL demanded that we pay them 10% of the intended recovery amount. This we paid, and they promised that they would persist in their recovery efforts for up to 120 days, which equates to about four months. The sales pitch of Direct Collection Bailiffs Ltd was highly convincing; they flaunted their media coverage on Netflix and ITV. In hindsight, their marketing, coupled with the sales pitch, website information, and phone calls, were part of a well-crafted scheme to con me out of £15,000.

DCBL assured me that they would employ ethical techniques, including recording all their visits to the debtor’s door, filming the data, reporting back, and providing me with weekly updates. Additionally, Direct Collection Bailiffs Ltd verbally promised certain unethical practices, including making intimidating phone calls to the debtor and showing up at the debtor’s door at unreasonable times. All of these lofty promises turned out to be empty, just like their reassurances.

Regrettably, the DCBL team couldn’t deliver on any of their promises. In fact, these nincompoops couldn’t even locate the debtor. In their sales pitch, Direct Collection Bailiffs Ltd claimed to have a world-class intelligence system and strong ties with credit reference agencies. But their inability to locate the debtor showcased their failure, proving that their promises were nothing but empty talk. I urge everyone to refrain from trusting these nincompoops at DCBL.

All that Direct Collection Bailiffs Ltd managed to do was send emails to the debtor. Despite being armed with all the necessary evidence to support our claim, they could not even reply to a single legal letter from the debtor’s barrister. DCBL, the company we trusted, failed us.

Direct Collection Bailiffs Ltd promised that if needed, they would use their sister company, DCB Legal, to respond to the legal letters from the debtor and to proceed with the matter in court. However, this was another of their false promises. I caution everyone considering the services of DCBL or DCB Legal to be wary.

Reading through the DCBL terms and conditions was an enlightening experience. It helped me see through their BS and false promises. Clauses three and four stated that the debt collection period should not exceed 120 days, after which DCBL may continue to pursue the debt without additional charges. However, it is unclear what happens if DCBL fails to collect the debt within this timeframe.

In our case, Direct Collection Bailiffs Ltd supposedly chased the debtor for four months before they gave up. Even during the supposed active pursuit, DCBL failed to provide the promised weekly updates. It’s clear that their claims of continued pursuit and the use of automated systems to locate the debtor were baseless.

According to clause six of the Direct Collection Bailiffs Ltd terms and conditions, the client is required to pay a non-refundable administration fee. This fee, which is generally 10% of the total debt, means that if DCBL fails to collect the debt, you, the client, don’t get your money back. In our case, we lost £15,000 to DCBL.

Clause 11 of the DCBL terms and conditions states that the company doesn’t guarantee debt recovery. I strongly advise that you keep this in mind before you pay DCBL any fees.

My advice to everyone is to avoid DCBL, Direct Collection Bailiffs Ltd. This company, DCBL, is only good for sending letters to naive and innocent people. If you’re dealing with a debtor who is smart and has good legal counsel, DCBL, or Direct Collection Bailiffs Ltd, has little to no chance of success. They fail to respond to strong legal letters, and their promises fall flat.

Ultimately, this review should serve as a stark warning about the operations of Direct Collection Bailiffs Ltd and DCB Legal. My advice to businesses and individuals alike is to steer clear of DCBL. Research and consider more reliable and effective alternatives for your debt recovery needs. By doing so, you can potentially avoid the hassles and financial losses that come with dealing with Direct Collection Bailiffs Ltd.

The scam website, operating under the name “,” has gained attention for its enticing offers of high investment returns. The platform claims to employ innovative investment strategies and advanced algorithms to generate substantial profits for its users.

1. False Promises of High Returns: lures investors by making unrealistic promises of extraordinary returns on their investments. These claims are often accompanied by vague explanations or proprietary trading secrets that are difficult to verify or substantiate. The website’s marketing materials employ persuasive tactics to create a sense of urgency and FOMO (fear of missing out) among potential investors.

2. Withdrawal Issues and Obstacles:
Once individuals invest their funds on, they encounter significant challenges when attempting to withdraw their profits or initial investments. The website employs various tactics to delay or deny withdrawal requests, such as excessive documentation requirements, technical glitches, or claims of unexpected financial setbacks. This deliberate obstruction aims to discourage investors from withdrawing their funds and prolong their engagement with the platform.

3. Lack of Transparency and Regulation: operates with a lack of transparency and fails to provide verifiable information about its management team, corporate structure, or regulatory compliance. The absence of credible oversight and regulation raises concerns about the legitimacy of the platform and leaves investors without proper channels for legal recourse.

Nicholas Del Franco, aka Nick Del Franco or Nick Delfranco, has established multiple businesses across various states, including Florida, Colorado, Michigan, Massachusetts, and California, among others. They are capitalizing on the booming Medical and Recreational Marijuana industry to defraud innocent individuals of their hard-earned savings and assets. They claim to have a long-standing record of successful investments, which they use to entice investors. Their companies, including Green House Leasing, Pharmaserve Colorado, Pharmaserve California, Homestead Hydro, and Madhatter Nutrients and Soils, are some of the entities they’ve created.

Their fraudulent activities range from convincing investors to buy properties for their personal use to investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in non-existent legal cultivation properties. The vague terms of their contracts allow them to evade punishment for their crimes. They have duped honest and reputable individuals into working for them, hoping to recover their lost fees.

The perpetrators show no remorse and continue to prey on vulnerable elderly people who hope to strike it rich with their fast-talking stoner and slimy lawyer. Their newest ventures, Homestead Hydro and Mad Hatter Nutrients and Soils, are nothing more than attractive websites that take your money without delivering the promised products. These entities lack a history of delivering on their promises and have no means of acquiring the goods they claim to provide. Their nutrient lineup is nothing more than an expensive repackaged bottle of nutrients available at any grow store for a fraction of the price. Although they’ve showcased their product line at numerous events to attract more investors, they have yet to deliver a single package to any buyer.